After the first garden class(I have two left), I was inspired to get my seeds started. I have to tell you, I am a little intimidated by all of this seed starting, composting, mulching stuff. I am just so green when it comes gardening and no matter how much I read and saturate my mind with all the literature out there, I still feel its like learning a different language. So this spring I'm starting small and will consider it my trial and error period and by the fall I will at least know if I can grow anything successfully. This is really the first time i have ever tried this, so here goes nothing.
I went to a great garden store today and picked out the seeds i need to get started indoors now to grow this spring. The staff was super helpful and I got a great mix of seeds. I went ahead and did it the easy way and bought trays and used a good germinator mix. As of now the seeds I have started are Broccoli, Tomatoes, brussel Sprouts, Serrano peppers, Green peppers, and a Garden candy tomato mix. In addition I will add cucumbers, green beans, okra, carrot, potatoes, Swiss chard, a Mesclun salad mix, and a mix of herbs. I covered my trays with wet burlap to keep the moisture in. I was lucky enough to get about 100 coffee burlap sacks from my friend Jess. He and His wife E own the Austin Roasting Company and he was generous enough to give me all of his coffee sacks. They will be great for mulch and also I am going to try to use them as a weed barrier under my raised beds. Right now its just a waiting game to see if I will have some green shooting up in a few days or weeks. Fingers crossed.
Seeds Germinating in the Dining room. I have used the burlap to help keep moisture in |