Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lovin a whole lotta Nothin'

This am the rain finally stopped and the sun is shining. I was able to snap a few pictures of our adventures in Marfa thus far.........Lots of relaxing, book reading, and doing a lot of nothing makes for a perfect weekend. 

                          Nugget waiting for Mama on her run 

                         Home Grown Produce at Farmers Market

                                           Best food truck ever!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Rain delay

,So the skies have been crying here in the capital city of Texas since Sunday putting a serious delay on my coop building plans. I was hoping to have the framing cut and done on tuesday but when it rains, the backyard turns into a huge mud pit. I mean for some people a half acre mud pit might seem ideal, but for me it slows everything down. The only ones who really love it around here are Tate and Viejo (collectively known as the boys). We were told when we rescued them they were Mutts, mixed terrier breeds but I'm starting to think they are more like hybrids........... half dog and half porcine family. These boys are happiest when they are rolling in the mud like little pigs.
So since its raining and not much can be done this week; I'm headed out west to Marfa, a little oasis in the middle of nowhere for some fun, relaxation, and Music this weekend. Hopefully when we get home on monday mother nature will be in a good mood, the ground will be dry, and building will resume.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jess was right......

The other day my good friend Jess said, "You know I hope you don't get any chickens like my mom's. Hers learned how to crow just like a rooster and the neighbors started to get a little mad." Now, I know we had been drinking a little bit and tall tales do occur with us after a little imbibing but as much as he swore it was true, I seriously didn't believe him. Fast forward a couple of weeks and BAM I come across this in the book I'm reading:

Dammit...........Jess was right.

I wanted to tell you about this book Im reading. It seriously is the kind of book where you laugh out loud like no one is watching. It's called Farm City, written by Novella Carpenter and is published by Penguin Press. Novella has turned an abandoned lot in oakland into an urban farm complete with bees, ducks, pigs, chickens, and veggies. The book follows her throughout her urban farm experience from the many people she has met to the many animals she keeps. Her sense of humor is hysterical in this book. Today while performing endless flu shots(seriously I could do it blindfolded with my hands behind my back using my toes), seeing two dozen sore throats, ands oh wait seeing my favorite, "I have a sinus infection," I found myself sneaking to read this book.  Good stuff. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I think its time for some more pretty Ladies

So, I think the first order of business is to get a few more pretty ladies here at the house. I told my mom of this plan and she said, " oh no babe, don't do that they will make your place stink."
I have been wanting some egg laying hens for about two years now. My neighbor has some and he will usually entice us with a few fresh eggs every now and then and every single time we I say, "Man we need some chickens of our own.
I recently got into building things. If i can dream it, I'm going to try to build it.  So I have dedicated my first task here at uprooted bamboo to building a chicken coop and getting some girls. I was looking for a really good coop to buy and while there are plenty on the market none really made me or our dwindling bank account happy. Besides, my brother built his own with a passive cooling and heating system and many other awesome amenities and I just want mine to be as cool as his.
I came across a website where you can buy chicken coop plans and build and customize it yourself and knew instantly this is the route I wanted to go. They say you can practically build it yourself and complete it in a couple of weekends. How hard can it be right? Im sure after a few choice words, a couple thrown tools, and a sigh here and there,  I will have a pretty good looking coop. I use pretty and good here because as with every project I start I have strict rules from Claire that I can attempt anything as long as it looks good.  Don't worry, I told her on this one.
This week I have been patiently watching the sun and shade in the yard to get the proper placement(who knew hens needed full sun to lay eggs). Next week I will begin the work.
Check out the link The Garden Coop  where  I bought the plans and see what hopefully the finished coop will look like. I went for the coop over the ark. My thought, The more pretty hens the merrier.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dont worry.....My friends who are visiting and there is nothing here. I am coming soon. Keep checking in!