was thinking about the eggs I slipped under Little Shit. I stole one of the eggs (the little Bantam one) from a hen that is also broody and setting on a mound of eggs at my dads house. She had started sitting on them 2 days before I took one, so I realized that they were due to hatch on the 20th or 21st since Little Shit's are supposed to hatch on Sunday. So I called my Dad that morning and talked to his friend Ms. Freida who takes care of the animals and she said none had hatched yet. I told her to call me as soon as they started to hatch, knowing my calculations couldn't have been wrong.
At 4:00 yesterday, my phone rang and it was Ms. Freida. She said she had just checked on the hen and she saw a broken egg. Concerned that a snake had gotten the eggs, Ms. Freida was looking around when she heard the faint sounds of sweet little chirps. She lifted up Red(the hen's name) and there they were. Three sweet little chicks. She didn't want to disturb them too much but she was able to get a few pics and send them to me. Hopefully Little shit will hatch hers in the next few days.
Blurry but still cute |
Wonderful...so sweet!xxxxxx