Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Busy Busy Busy..........

Ok...... Sort of but not really.

Past three weeks have flown by. We cautiously ventured out to West Texas (Marfa) to escape the heat for a bit and do a little recovering. My farmhand Claire is BRCA2+(click on cancer risk tab) and a few weeks ago she had a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. After a nine hour surgery, a stay in the ICU, and a few days of begging to get out of the hospital, she is doing remarkably well. Marfa is the city of do nothing. So we did a whole lotta nothing, except rest and recover. It was a beautiful 75 degrees everyday and a chilly, fire starting 50's at night.  I was able to catch a few shows at El Cosmico, where the fabulous Patty Griffin and her legend of a boyfriend Robert Plant played to a crowd of less than 150.  

Patty and Robert

It was awesome to get away, escape the heat, and do nothing. I definitely needed the recharge.I have been thinking a lot about water conservation since this drought in Austin began and I realized I may need to change the way I have been doing things around here at Uprooted Bamboo. I have been throwing around a few ideas and am still weighing some possibilities. Something has got to change since I can't seem to grow anything successfully.  

We got home yesterday and the heat is back to 103. This week it's supposed to dip down to the low 90's.  I went ahead and decided to go ahead and put my artichokes in the ground, praying that the cool weather comes around soon. Anyway, here's what happens when the girls are around and I try to plant something. Not the best helpers around. Seriously, killin me. 

1 comment:

  1. I love being able to watch you plant - it's like you are right here! love you, mom


verbal sprout