Wednesday, December 8, 2010

These Ladies are outta control......................

So I'm going to need to contain them. I started on the front gate today and it actually turned out pretty good. A little harder than I expected but nonetheless I have half of it done. Today, Im hoping to finish it up.

I have been busy with work all weekend and the first part of the week. But I did manage to squeeze in some coop time with the girls. They are growing like wildfire, taking over the laundry room. We are both ready for them to go out in the coop. Hopefully soon in the New Year.  I brought my computer in the coop and sat with them. They were hysterically pecking the screen and roosting on the top. Crazy girls. 



  1. LOL. They are so big! I would kill chickens that pecked my mac.

  2. HA! That's awesome :o)


verbal sprout