Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Typical Situation

On Saturday I loaded up the boys into a dog crate, put them in the backseat of my car, and made the emotional drive to Louisiana.  They were like old pro's riding in the car. For the most part they just sat in the crate. Every now and then they would get up and scratch around for the treats I put in the crate and I would get a rear view mirror full of Henry wondering if we were almost there yet.

Everything was going smoothly until we got to Beaumont, TX, and couldn't catch anything on the radio. I shuffled around in my glove box and found an old Dave Matthew's Band CD. Score. I know I know they are a little mid 1990's but I will be honest, I do still love them.......... and so do the boys I quickly found out. 

If you ever find yourself in a small car for five hours with two roosters in the backseat, I would suggest not playing any of Dave's High pitched songs, lest you want to rupture your eardrums.I mean I have heard of roosters competing with other roosters. When one crows, the other crows. But man when I put that CD on they wanted to show Dave Matthew's up. It was so loud I had to roll down the windows and of course once that happens everyone else has the pleasure of hearing them sing as well. People were looking at me like I was crazy. What? You haven't seen a girl and her two Roo's before? I have never laughed so hard in my life. 

We made it to Louisiana easily. I was worried about integrating flocks. From what I have read it isn't  always such an easy thing with pecking order etc. But being that they were roosters I figured the Hens wouldn't bother them too much. I gave them a little rest for about an hour before the introduction and when the time was ready put them in their new coop. Everything went smoothly, the boys strutted around like they owned the place, and everyone was happy. I seriously couldn't have imagined how beautiful this transition could have gone. I am happy they are together, happy they are in good hands, and I am happy I will still able to see them any time I want.  

Their new yard 
Lucky, the pet deer(found on the street after being hit by a car as a baby)
Now has steel rod in his leg and loves cookies. 
Henry trying out the new roost 
Struttin' Sonny


  1. I'm just loving this....so sweet and funny.
    I was a veterinary nurse for 17 years, so it's wonderful!
    LOVE Lucky the deer too....wonderful that it was cared for so beautifully!....I do the same for squirrels etc knocked down by cars here in uk!
    Good luck with Henry and Sonny xxx

  2. haha! Cracking up over here at them both singing along-- and the mental picture of you getting stared at and laughing anyway. :P Glad it went well :)


verbal sprout