Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fungus, nematode....... what the hell is this?

Folks we have a serious problem. And by serious I mean we may have a famine on our hands soon. Seriously, I can't grow anything. 

I think I may have a fungus or harmful nematodes. Nematodes are parasites that live in the soil, take over, and are really hard to get rid of. This isn't good. I took some pictures of my plants and sent them to the Texas Master Gardener Association to have them evaluated. Hopefully in a day or two, I will have my answer. If the answer is harmful nematodes, we are pretty much screwed. 

Any of ya'll out there have a clue as to what this is? Its a battlefield out there and I'm losing fast!  And seriously, when is it going to rain?

Cucumber Plant

Pitiful Tomatoes 
Bomb shelled Basil 

1 comment:

  1. looks like you're overwatering. Take a few leaves from your affected plants to a local garden shop and show them. They'll advise you if it's parasites and what you need to do. -Shane


verbal sprout