Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jess was right......

The other day my good friend Jess said, "You know I hope you don't get any chickens like my mom's. Hers learned how to crow just like a rooster and the neighbors started to get a little mad." Now, I know we had been drinking a little bit and tall tales do occur with us after a little imbibing but as much as he swore it was true, I seriously didn't believe him. Fast forward a couple of weeks and BAM I come across this in the book I'm reading:

Dammit...........Jess was right.

I wanted to tell you about this book Im reading. It seriously is the kind of book where you laugh out loud like no one is watching. It's called Farm City, written by Novella Carpenter and is published by Penguin Press. Novella has turned an abandoned lot in oakland into an urban farm complete with bees, ducks, pigs, chickens, and veggies. The book follows her throughout her urban farm experience from the many people she has met to the many animals she keeps. Her sense of humor is hysterical in this book. Today while performing endless flu shots(seriously I could do it blindfolded with my hands behind my back using my toes), seeing two dozen sore throats, ands oh wait seeing my favorite, "I have a sinus infection," I found myself sneaking to read this book.  Good stuff. 


  1. I will need to pick this book up.

  2. Pro tip for you - if the chicken looks a little butch and has a mullet, she probably crows. Go for the fem chickens only and you'll be ok.

  3. Flo had this sad little crow for a while, but she seems to be past it. Now the noisiest they get is the "cluck of indignation," usually emanating from a nest box.


verbal sprout