Monday, May 16, 2011


Sad little harvest so far. So far all I have grown is a Strawberry(ate it), a couple of banana peppers, a few super sweet 100's and some yellow pear tomatoes. Oh and a Jalapeno but big Barb got it before I was able to pick it. And they took out the eggplant in 2.5 seconds when I wasn't looking. Damn they are super fast those girls (Im a sucker for free ranging) .

Seriously. Famine style.
This fall, it's gonna be huge. Huge I'm telling you. 


  1. Don't give up - can't you plant a second crop since you have a long growing season? Mom

  2. Yeah not in the heat of the summer but soon in august for fall tomatoes and stuff. At least its not snowing. I heard it was in UtAh. Yikes.

  3. Well, what you have looks good! Quality, not quantity.


verbal sprout