Saturday, November 5, 2011


Been gone awhile.

I went to Miami a couple a weeks ago. Claire had a conference for work and hell, I needed to escape the heat so, I went. I'm really really good at tagging along on business trips and I am even better at sitting on the beach and doing nothing. Seriously, if there was such a thing as professional beach sitter I would be one of the best. There is nothing better to me than getting up early, grabbing a cup of coffee and heading out to the beach to read, swim, nap, and beautiful people watch. I could literally sit there all night, except, as always, the nice gentlemen who rent the beach chairs have to pry my sun burnt, salt laden body off the chairs at sundown. Why they start taking the chairs back and putting them away at 6:00 is beyond me. Anyway, a few days on the water makes me wonder why we chose to live in drought ridden, hotter than hell Austin, and not somewhere closer to the beach. Sigh.

Back on the mainland, I'm finding myself uninspired, unmotivated, and quite frankly LAZY. I have been battling a nasty virus that knocked me down for a few days and I'm sure that's part of it, but I just can't seem to get any umph in my step lately. Hence, the lack of posts. The list of things that need to get done here at Uprooted Bamboo is never ending and a direct correlation exists between my lack of pep and the amount of things being marked off as completed. I'm sure with the cooler weather finally coming in I will regain some momentum and start getting some stuff done. I guess it's good to take a step back, breathe, and re-evaluate the backyard. It's a huge blank canvas and while exciting to have such a big piece of property, it sometimes is a bit overwhelming. Which is where I find myself now.

The girls are doing well.  Bridget and Monica(the little ones) have been incorporated into the flock. They aren't hugging and high-fiving the big girls yet, but with a little more time they will all work it out and get along.

The garden, shockingly, is doing well. I have cucumbers, tomatoes(yay!), banana peppers, green peppers, green beans, serrano's, and jalapenos all getting ready to be harvested. I need to get some lettuce and strawberries in this month and in the next few weeks start digging my holes for the bare root fruit trees going in mid winter. And given Austin's hard, dry, clay soil that may take me awhile.

Good stuff........ lets just keep adding to the list.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the garden. I'm craving a cool, crisp salad after reading your list of growing veggies.

    I had to laugh at the idea of going to Miami to cool off. How you live in Texas, I'll never know. Temperatures over 75 degrees and I'm miserable. While I am beginning to dread the winters of the NE at least I don't have to deal with temps over 100 *shudder*

    I'm surprised you didn't take all that bamboo (you had to clear) and manufacture your own floors, cabinets and furniture ;o)


verbal sprout