Tuesday, November 29, 2011

You want to see something annoying?

Here it is:

Well yeah. I know it's pretty. 

But it's green. That's the annoying part. So all summer, in the searing heat, I have been nursing my garden. Shade cloth, water, fertilizer. I babied it. A few weeks ago the weather finally cooled off and the garden started flowering and producing. I thought for sure that there would be time before it got cold to have a little harvest.......... but I didn't. The past few days have been a low of about 28 degrees in Austin. Seriously, I am so tired of this extreme weather and because I have been rotting in the box (job) nonstop, I didn't have time to put up plastic or set up a hoop house and well, it froze. So this is what we are left with, a big ass bowl of green. It's ok though. You know why? Because in the spring, I am going to have the biggest, baddest garden ever. If I can grow the above in this heat, I think this spring I am going to knock it out of the park. I think I may have finally figured this gardening thing out.  Bring it. 


  1. Try sticking them in a brown paper bag. They might ripen up for you.

  2. You can still cook with green! I had similar problem...too many that were green, but had to be eaten or thrown!..I used them for chutney and to cook with, especially with chicken (shut your ears girls!!!)I hate throwing stuff out, especially when you've taken effort to grow it yourself!good luck with it all xxxxx jules xxxxxx

  3. Ok.....I have them sitting in a brown paper bag. Lets see what it does.

    @Julie- the chickens think they have died and gone to heaven with these tomatoes. And for sure I'm going to try a little recipe or two. It's one of the first things I have grown successfully in abundance. I will def. not throw away.


verbal sprout