Friday, October 1, 2010

Frame Frame................... I know your name.

I had the past day and a half off from work and was finally able to do some productive work on the chicken coop. The weather here in Austin has been amazing. Windy and cool. Seriously, I can't ask for anything better.
Over the past few weeks, we received a lot of rain and the weeds are starting to take over the mud pit  backyard. I spent the first half of the day trying to get these weeds under control, first pulling them with my bare hands. As I was diligently pulling, I started think about every Natgeo show I have watched and visions of "I was Bitten and I Shouldn't Be Alive" kept popping in my head. I suddenly realized I should be careful about where I put my hands and feet. I mean these weeds were waist high and wasn't it me a year ago who called 911(seriously, that was Claire's idea) to report the massive 5 foot rat snake creeping through our bamboo? I grabbed the weed eater and with my learned snake wrangler mentality from "In search of the King Cobra" I went to work, sans Land rover, cutting everything in my path but keeping an eye out for the best spots a snake may lie and wait(to kill me no doubt). Three small snakes, two long hours and 652 sore muscles later I was done clearing out the yard and had the best spot mapped out for where the coop would go. I picked the perfect spot that receives sun in the morning and enough shade in the sweltering afternoon heat. Nothing but the best for these ladies I haven't even met yet.
The rest of the afternoon I worked on the frame and as of this morning, I have the frame built and all 8 of the cinder blocks placed and leveled. I think out of this whole project leveling cinder blocks is most likely going to be the hardest thing. I don't know what it is about leveling stuff but I must not have the patience and I'm guessing right technique to do this easily. In the end it always works, but it's not an easy road I take to get there.
I'm stuck rotting in the box( my office, my job) all weekend so building will resume on Tuesday of next week where hopefully I will start on the roof and get a load of topsoil to level out the coop floor. So far I have done everything on my own but these next few steps I'm going to need some help. Perfect timing forACL next week. I think I will make a few of the friends staying with us earn their keep.............................

1 comment:

verbal sprout