Monday, November 22, 2010

Coop Dreams

I finished the Coop today!!!! Hoot! Thank God because these girls are growing like wildfire. I can't believe how big they have gotten in the past week. They have gone from little puff balls to big girls roosting at night.  I put the branch in a few days ago and they love it. I sneak in there and most of them are hanging out practicing their roosting skills. Our two barred rocks, Barb and Henri, turned a month old and they are seriously busting out of the box. The past day or so Barb has been tromping through the laundry room, leaving some evidence around. I had no idea chickens poop so much. Man, our whole laundry room is now canvased in day Old New York Times. You ever seen the T.V. show Dexter?  Yup thats our laundry room,  a literary kill room.  First thing tomorrow, I"m getting a bigger box............................

Sassy Barb
So, since I finished the coop today I thought I should give it a test run. I rounded up the girls and took them outside into their future abode. The weather was 80 degrees today and windy so I let them stay outside for about two hours while I finished up the henhouse. Their brooder temp in the laundry room is now at 80 degrees so the weather couldn't have been more perfect. They absolutely LOVED it. They look so tiny in the coop and they love to scratch around and dig in the dirt. If one of them finds something good like a bug or meal worm I strategically hid in the coop, the others get jealous and a chase ensues. I can't believe how much personality they have and they are all so different.

The coop is definitely predator proof.  We had a pretty good test of that when two little poodle type dogs came cruising through the yard today. I have been working out there for weeks with no sign of any dogs and as soon as I bring the girls in ...............chicken killing poodles. After wrangling the dogs and giving them back to their owners, the rest of the day was uneventful. Next task here at Uprooted Bamboo..............building a fence to keep the girls in and neighborhood dogs out!

Girls in the coop.....Excuse the graffiti on the fence. Damn kids
From the yellow puff to the back:
Sonny, Little S, Barb, Penny, and Rouge. Henri (just her face)

Rouge Kissing Little S

Rouge and Little S snoozing in the coop


  1. Good job! I love the payoff that comes when I work hard on an ambitious project.

    Cute chicks.

  2. I know this sounds weird but I've never seen chickens sleep. So cute. Good job on the coop-building!

  3. Great to meet the chicks in person so that when I follow their antics online I'll know just who you're talking about. Love the sleeping shot!


verbal sprout