6 Pretty girls......................
Black Australorp |
Barred Rock(2) |
Straight Run Americauna(might end up a Roo) |
Straight Run Americauna (already Kind of a Bully) |
So far they are doing great in their brooder in the laundry room. The above little one (who may end up a rooster) was a little bully at first. Pecking like crazy. It was so bad, I jumped on the internet to make sure chickens didn't have rabies (kidding) and found out it's all about establishing pecking order. I was seriously thinking about returning the little one but decided to keep him after they all settled down. We have now dubbed him Little Shit. The others have yet to be named. I guess we need to see their personalities before we find suitable names, however if anyone has any ideas, I am all ears.
They will live in the laundry room for about a month and a half until they get all their feathers and can protect themselves from the cold, usually about 6 weeks. Right now I have them under a 100 W bulb in their brooder ( a warm box) and some pine shavings that they love to scratch around in. It's important to keep the brooder a balmy 90-95 degrees for the first couple of weeks decreasing 5 degrees per week. They are eating their chick starter like crazy and love to bathe in their water. In the coming weeks I will add roosts, let them scratch for treats outside, and help them get ready for the coop. The coop that will hopefully be finished this week............fingers crossed.
Claire, I think was a little apprehensive at first about them taking up residence in the laundry room. But the minute she saw them and heard their sweet little chirps she smiled and thought they were really cute. The two canine farm boys on the other hand are very interested in what is behind door #1. So we are being very careful to make sure they in no way can get the girls. Tate isn't all that interested in them but Viejo sits by the door and whines and wonders what in the hell is in there. Hopefully he will give up soon.
Excuse his bad hair cut. We were saving money and did it ourselves. Ouch |
'm heading to farm camp tomorrow at Green Gate Farms to expand my knowledge about organic veggie producing, drip irrigation, and more. Hopefully the rain holds out and I get some good info for Uprooted Bamboo. Then after the coop is done, I start working on the planting beds. I can't believe it's November. Crazy how fast this year is going......................
That is awesome !!!!
ReplyDeleteYou never cease to amaze me. Keep it up. (And I can't wait to see the coop.)
ReplyDeleteHaven't yet signed on so I can make non-anonymous comments on your site and your sisters' site.
ReplyDeleteBut you and Shelly are awesome. I'm so impressed with your coop-building! I look forward to watching these little ones grow, as well as your farm. I live in Beantown so, ya know, it will be snowing soon. No gardening here.
They are so cute!!! [Just hope the boys don't think they are meals since they are in there with all their food :)]
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought that you had named them those crazy names and then realized those were the breeds. Ha, shows how much I know about chicks!
ReplyDeleteoh my! look how little lil' Penny was just a few days ago...crazy