Friday, June 3, 2011

Cannon Ball

So a couple of years ago I was at my cousin Jacq's in Marfa and she had a stock tank in her yard that she was going to turn into a pool. I thought this was brilliant and filed that into my list of things I wanted to accomplish when I became a lucky homeowner.

Enter the heat.

Now that we have our own place and it's ridiculously hot, I decided it's time for our very own stock tank pool. I have done a little research online and a couple of people have already attempted to do this very same thing. The Brick House and Waldorf Modern  have a few tutorials on how they set up their pools. I am going to try something a little different.I am going to line ours with a pool liner so the salt water, if I decide to go this way or chlorine (yeah yeah I know, but I grew up in a chlorine pool and Im still alive, healthy and hey I'm weaning of the antipsychotics now as we speak) won't erode the steel tank. I also drank out of the water hose as a child. What what? I am going to add a pump and filter, so I won't have to waste water each time by dumping it out and refilling when the water gets nasty. The tank I bought today is ginormous at 10 ft  round x 2 ft high and holds 1100 gallons. Refilling each and every time or dying from some bacteria stowing away in the tank is out of the question. Gotta have a pump. 

How hard was it to get home? A pain in my ass honestly. Oh and my friend Jess's. He lovingly helped me haul this baby home.  He happens to work right by the place that I bought the tank from and when I found out they wouldn't deliver it to my house, I asked Jess to help with a favor. I think we both thought it would be easy. Just strap this bad boy to the back of his pickup and head home. Oh no. It's never that easy though. 

I mean it hung off the sides of Jess's truck say 2 ft each way, but I thought, "oh yeah, this is totally going to work." But I grew up in Louisiana and he grew up in California and he felt that this was a little too backwoods red neck of sorts. This big tank was totally going to blow off his truck and kill someone he figured. Reluctantly I agreed. Flash forward to us two hours later, in the sweltering 101 degree Austin heat today, finally finding a flatbed truck to rent. 
Loading it up 

So the plan in the next few weeks is to build a deck around it, add a liner, pump, and filter, fill it up with water, and enjoy for the summer. Thanks to Jess for helping as I couldn't have done it without him. 

Now, who wants to swim. We are having a pool party and everyone is invited. Just NO DIVING or RUNNING or I'm gonna have to blow the damn whistle. 


  1. I wonder if it's gonna be a hot tub this summer instead of a pool? :) - now you need a cabana with Christmas lights and a margarita machine and viola' a perfect retreat!

  2. If it's that hot, you could end up with a giant saucepan!!! Boil in the bag people!!?
    Or is that just a British thing!!!
    I envy you....A POOL!!
    You so impress me with your energy!
    My planting table is sprouting.....slowly!
    We are off to Venice (Italy) tomorrow, look forward to hearing how the pool finished when I get back!!!
    Take care...Jules(uk) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Nah. I dont think it will be too hot. I am going to add a shade. It will be in the shade the whole time. I think that metal might reflect off because I sat in it empty the other day after it was in the sun for awhile and didn't burn anything, know what Im sayin .

  4. Will almost talked me into getting one this weekend. We just continue to use our 4' dia. kiddie pool.

  5. Well, this is very interesting. I never heard of such a thing :o) I'm interested in knowing how this turns out.

    And seriously, do you ever slow down? I wish I had your energy. I never thought of myself as lazy until I started reading your blog ;o)

  6. Awesome! Owen can't wait to bust out her float in that bad boy!

  7. YAY! Owen will love it. Seriously, Yesterday i was telling CLaire we can totally float on rafts in it. I even said, "that big shamu could totally fit"


verbal sprout