Saturday, May 26, 2012

All You can Eat Tomato Buffet

So I'm kicking some ass at growing tomatoes right. I mean Killin' it. The tomato plants are huge and flowering and the tomatoes are just now starting to turn a fresh kissed hue. I came home yesterday and WTF. What the hell is this?

Something is chowing down on these tomatoes like an all you can eat buffet. Uh Uh. I really thought it was a mama bird taking snacks back for her brood of young baby birds that have moved into our siding directly above this tomato plant, but then I noticed something Funk-ay on the concrete. 

This. is. Poop(that ok Mom). 
Weird shit I have never seen before and directly below the tomato plant. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was responsible for this. I fumbled around the plant looking for more tomatoes that had been mutilated and couldn't find anything. Stumped, I got up and turned away from the plant and saw something that hasn't made me jump and scream like a little girl since I called 911 on that humongous rat snake in the yard. Seriously, not much can scare me other than snakes and taking a shower alone in the house since watching Psycho and seeing Janet Leigh killed, but this thing, this mutant I witnessed going to town on my tomato did it.  It was bigger than my hand I swear. Exhibit A:

Look at the teeth on this thing and it trying to stealthily blend in with the plant is so sly.  

Anyway, I did a little research and found out it is a Tomato Hornworm. Seriously, no one warned me about these things. Anyway, I need to figure out a way to get rid of it humanely before I snap it in half with a shovel like my mom and dad used to do with snakes in the yard when we were younger. Yowser. 


  1. Am actually peeing myself about should be famous!!! X

  2. Thanks Julie! It's a scary little worm........


verbal sprout